Members of RDSO

Legal Representative

RUBAYIZA N. Faustin is the founder and Legal Representative of Relief and Development Support Organization (RDSO). He recently served as a community Development Facilitator in Plan International Rwanda and previously worked with IRC, Care International Rwanda and ICRC as a Field Officer. He holds an MBA in Project Management and a Bachelor degree in Economics with Education. He is a team player, a pro-active person and has interpersonal relations skills.

Deputy Legal Representative

Etienne NDAYAMBAJE, the new MEL Advisor Hortinvest Project. He holds a Masters Degree in Rural Economics and Sociology from the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium and a bachelors degree in Social Sciences from the University of Rwanda. He has more than 10 years experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for donor funded agricultural projects both at country as well as at EAC level.

Vice Chairperson of Audit Committee


Uwamariya Odette holds a Bachelors degree in Accounting from UNILAK and has experience in Financial institutions such as Sacco and Manufacturing companies. She currently works as an Accountant in Oribut Manufacturing company.

Secretary of Audit Committee

Irakoze Nelly is studying Finance in UNILAK. She previously served as a volunteer in Children Might Foundation and she currently works as Marketer in Loveway Rwanda campany.

Chairperson of conflict resolution committee

Nzayisenga Michel is an Engineer in Agriculture He worked in Electrogaz from 1996 to 2007 as Chef d'Usine. He served in Rwamagana District for the DEMP REMA project in charge of environment from 2009 to 2015. He traveled in East Africa, Belgique, England, Turkey and the USA.

Fred K. Ntakirutinka (MDS, BBA)
Secretary of Conflict resolution Committee

Fred K. Ntakirutinka (MDS, BBA): Fred has over 20 years of experience in international relief and development programs, managing multi-sectorial programming with high level of networking and collaborations platform leading to leverage resources and competences which catalyze synergy for sustainable transformational. He has an extensive experience in managing integrated programs, including Livelihood and resilience, WASH, Health, Nutrition, Education, Protection and Environmental programs. He has held several leadership positions for over 15 years within INGOs such as World Vision International, Plan International, Trocaire, World Relief International and LWF in various capacities such as Regional Operations Manager.
