Education program

The education in Rwanda has tremendously improved after 1994 genocide against Tutsi during which over 1 Million Tutsi were killed, infrastructures destroyed and educational system. The number of students in primary, secondary schools and higher learning institutions increased. However the over population in school, the school drop out rate, are some of the issues that still hinder the full attainment of the educational goals. It is in this regards, RDSO put in place the program activities below to contribute to the quality and inclusive education.


  • Providing training to teachers on methodology, ICT, curriculum, English/French courses
  • Supporting children at risk of dropping out from school.
  • Rewarding best performers in primary and secondary schools, especially girls and children with disability.
  • Conducting campaigns on female education
  • Organizing school competitions in arts performance (songs, drama, school debates, public talks, martial arts and sport games).
  • Organizing students holiday camps to give them a space to discuss on issues affecting their communities.
