
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

Account Number: 4011200906839
Swift code: EQBLRWRW


Relief and Development Support Organization (RDSO) is a National Non-Governmental Organization (NNGO) founded on 12th December 2021 and recognized by RGB under No 1085/RGB/NGO/OC/08/2022. It operates in the Eastern Province, Kayonza District, in Mukarange sector and can scale up its activities in any other district. To align with the SDGs goals and implement the NST2 country programs, RDSO conducts community need assessment on annual basis to make people’s development a priority. To achieve this, it works with its members who have an extensive experience in community development and partners such as Go Volunteer Africa that sends volunteers from abroad, the African Cultural Exchange, The Cause and Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI). We focus on capacity building of youth, women, and support the most vulnerable groups to bring positive changes in their lives.


To be a leading organization in contributing to poverty alleviation and development through socio-economic and transformative approaches in the region.


Relief and Development Support Organization provides support to the most vulnerable families, especially empowering youth and women so that they may improve their living conditions.

Our programs


Socio-Economic Empowerment

Food Security

Health and Nutrition

Protection of the Environment


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Potential Partners

Current Partners

Go volunteer Africa

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